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Number Guessing Game

Level: intro (score: 1)

Imagine you're playing a guessing game where the secret number is hidden—and sometimes the input isn't quite right.

In this exercise, you'll implement a function that iterates over a list of guesses (provided as strings) using a while loop.

Your function should follow these rules:
- Each guess is a &str.
- If a guess is the string "STOP", immediately exit the loop (using break) and return None (the game is aborted).
- If a guess cannot be parsed into a number, skip that guess (using continue) without counting it as an attempt.
- For valid numeric guesses, count them as attempts. If a valid guess equals the secret, return Some(attempt_count), where attempt_count is the number of valid attempts made.
- If the loop finishes without finding the secret, return None.

- Use a while loop to iterate through the slice.
- Use g.parse::<u32>() to try to convert a guess into a number.
- Use continue to skip invalid (no number) guesses, and break when you encounter "STOP".
- Use mutable variables (declared with let mut) to keep track of the current index and the number of valid attempts.
- Use the match construct to attempt parsing each guess into a number. In Rust, match is a powerful control-flow operator that lets you branch based on pattern matching—here it helps decide whether the parsing was successful (Ok(num)) or not (Err(_)).

And that's it, your first simple game in Rust! 🎉 🦀