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Borrowing and References: Lending Without Losing

Level: intro (score: 1)

In Rust, borrowing allows you to use a value without taking ownership.

This is different from what we saw in the last exercise, where passing a String into a function moved it.

Instead, borrowing uses references (&T) so a function can read data without taking ownership.

Why This Matters

In Python, function arguments are passed by reference by default:

def longer_word_length(word1, word2):
    return max(len(word1), len(word2))

text1 = "borrow"
text2 = "rust"
longest = longer_word_length(text1, text2)
print(text1, text2)  # Both still accessible!

In Rust, if we passed a String without borrowing, ownership would be moved, and we couldn’t use the original variables again.

But with references (&String), we can pass values without transferring ownership.


Implement the function: longest_word_length(word1: &String, word2: &String) -> usize

  • The function should take two borrowed strings (&String).
  • It should return the length of the longer string.
  • If they are the same length, return that length.


  • Use .len() to compare the two words
  • Since we are borrowing, both word1 and word2 must remain usable after calling the function.
  • Why return the length instead of the string itself? Because returning a reference would require lifetimes, which we’ll cover later!

Borrowing is one of Rust’s most powerful features—it ensures safety without unnecessary copying or moving data.

You get memory safety without a garbage collector, and your variables stay where they belong. 💡

Happy coding! 🚀